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Xell Analytics 2

Analytical Services

At Xell, we offer a complete range of analytical services including individually composed parameters, predefined bundles and individual method establishment.

Our analytical platform delivers precise results through proprietary methods for a broad range of biomolecules. In addition to our sophisticated methods for common analytes (e.g. amino acids, vitamins, trace elements), quantification of components like dipeptides or polyamines was established. Above all, our goal is to tailor the method to the specific needs of each sample to get the most out of every analysis.

During the past 10 years we have gained extensive experience in the analysis of cell culture media and processes. As a result, we have extended our expertise to samples from feed, chemical and other industries. Moreover, our highly precise methods are also available for samples related to aquaculture, including not only feed samples, but also biological samples.

In short, with flexible approaches and short processing times, we are setting highest benchmarks as a reliable service provider.

We have established validated methods for quantitation of various analytes, which we also make available to our customers. Our spent media analysis service covers for instance:

For more information on individual analyses, follow the links above or contact us directly.

The analysis of product quantity and quality is the most important benchmark for a biological production process. Monitoring and maintaining the stability and consistency of these factors is essential when designing new media or processes.

We can provide you with a broad range of product analyses:

  • Protein quantitation (SEC, RP, AC, SDS-PAGE, etc.)
  • Protein characterization (peptide mapping, lysine clipping, glyco analysis, etc.)

Moreover, we offer the following physico-chemial analyses of cell culture media and feeds:

  • pH
  • Turbitiy
  • Osmolality
  • Redox potential
  • Moisture in powder
  • Powder particle size distribution

For the analysis of dietary supplement and feed we have validated a broad range of product groups; from fruit juice to dietary supplements to insects and it is by far not exhausted. In close cooperation with you and with the aid of our state-of-the-art equipment (UHPLC-DAD, UHPLC-MS/MS, ICP-MS, GC-FID …) we readily establish further matrices and methods for you. So far, our services include i.a.:

For further information, please follow the respective links or directly contact our scientist.

Your work is related to aquaculture and you have goals such as improving your feeding strategy or examining developmental or metabolic processes in larvae or broodstock?

Then we can support your projects with our highly precise, customizable and state-of-the-art analyses. Whether you have fish feed (e.g. meals, pellets, granules, flakes) or biological samples (e.g. larvae, eggs), we can provide you with accurate and detailed results from lowest sample quantities.

Take a glance at our portfolio and please keep in mind that we will gladly establish further methods tailored to your requirements:

For further information, please follow the respective links or directly contact our team.