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  • XELL Europe

Document search


Dear valued customer,

As part of the integration into the Sartorius network and the harmonization of our services, the discontinuation of this portal is planned. As a replacement, please use the My Sartorius portal, a single point of truth and convenient access to your Sartorius ecosystem.


You can use the search bar below to find product- and lot-specific documents.
Please consider the following tips to use it in the most efficient way.

Product-specific documents, including Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs), Protocols for Use (PFUs), Animal Origin Statements and Solubilization Protocols can be found by searching the product name while replacing any white space characters with "-". Alternatively, you can find them by typing the order number prefix.

EXAMPLES: "TCX6D", "BHK-Medium", "871", "G3219"


Lot-specific documents, including Certificates of Compliance for liquid media (CoCs) and Certificates of Analysis for dry powder media (CoAs), can only be found by searching the complete and correct lot number.

EXAMPLES: "18-05HKF-270164", "VC10255283"

You don't find the documents you're looking for? Please contact us directly.